

You Get What You Give- New Radicals

The song "You Get What You Give" is pretty self-explanatory, just by the title. It explains the whole idea that life has a way of balancing out. Karma is a way many people explain this phenomenon. It teaches you to "treat others how you would like to be treated," which is the common disciplinary phrase used in elementary schools. It shows how much one small action can effect a chain reaction of events, or influence somebody, even if you are not aware. Small actions can have a big impact.
This Too Shall Pass- OK Go

This video shows something similar to how life works. One thing leads to another. One small action could lead to a domino effect of other things happening. In the video, every tiny movement leads to another, and everything triggers another. In life, a small action can domino into a series of events, all influenced by the one small event that it began with.
Beverly Hills- Weezer
This song is about an young man aspiring to live a life like the  rich and famous. He starts off by stating different flaws he has, showing how he is contempt with his life and not very confident. In the chorus, he sings "Beverly Hills, rolling like a celebrity!" He wishes to be like a celebrity, getting girls, cars, money, popularity, etc. This song is a perfect example of how celebrities and other wealthy people in the media  

We Are The World- 25 Artists For Haiti

The song, originally written by Michael Jackson for Africa in the 80's, shows how strong the influence of music and celebrity artists has over society. This one (two, counting the 1980 version) song involved many artists and grasped the attention of millions of people all over the world. In this case, the power of music and fame in the media was used for the benefit of society. By banding together for a song, it set an example for the world. Great things can happen when teamwork is used.
Price Tag- Jessie J.

This song by Jessie J. is about how corrupt the world has gotten. Everyone's obsessed with materialistic things and money. "Wanna make the world dance, Forget about the price tag" and "Why is everybody so obsessed, Money can't buy us happiness" are two parts of the song that support the idea that life should be more than everyone trying to be 
Firework- Katy Perry

This inspirational song is about embracing who you are. Katy Perry sings about not letting people's opinions influence your life in a negative way. In the music video, there are several situations where she is reassuring the person. One, a girl uncomfortable with her body, another a child with cancer, and another a kid whose parents are yelling and fighting. Each of their situations require confidence and strength. Not letting negative things influence your life is a very positive message sent out by this song.
Something to Believe In- Parachute

In this song, religion seems to be a main theme. The song is about somebody looking for a reason to live, and something to believe in. He wants a reason to stay faithful and optimistic, so he turns to prayer and God. This shows how religion effects peoples lives greatly. When people have turning points in their life, religion is often a driving force in the realization. 
Beautiful- Christina Aguilera

"Beautiful" is a touching song about inner beauty. "I am beautiful, no matter what they say," is an example of not letting what others say damage your self esteem and self image. Letting words spoken by others go to your head is foolish, because your opinion of yourself shouldn't be a negative reflection of what others think. This song teaches you to not let negative things influence your life too much.
Nothin' On You- B.o.B. feat. Bruno Mars
This song is a love song. It tells about a man whose relationship seems to be going through a rough patch. He reassures his loved one that even though they're might be a world full of beautiful girls, that she has nothing to worry about because she is the only one he loves. They are incomparable to the woman he loves.

You Raise Me Up- Josh Groban

"You Raise Me Up" is a song dedicated to  person who is influential in one's life. It is about a role model and how they help you to be your very best in life, supporting you with unconditional love. Parents fit these lyrics, being that they are usually there for their children when they need help. Role models influence people by "raising them up" to make them a better person.
Show Me What I'm Looking For- Carolina Liar

This is another song about religion. It is about someone being lost in life and looking to the Lord. They seem to be confused as to where their life is going. The singer is asking for guidance and help. The love displayed towards God shows how influential this theme is on so many people.