

Army Strong

This commercial is trying to influence the people of America to join the army and serve our nation. Like all advertisements, this commercial tries to promote its cause and  make people join the army. It shows the positives involved such as becoming an expert and professional. It also shows strong, physically and mentally individuals doing activities such as boxing and drill routines. This is not however any combat in the commercial and no where is the commitment requirement mentioned. 

Ripple Effect

This commercial shows the influence of a little thing such as having a certain phone so you could change your train ticket. If the man didn't have that phone he wouldn't have gotten on the train and met the woman that he ended up marrying and having the 57th president of the United States with.  The simplest thing such as having a phone could change not only your own life, but the lives of in this case, the entire nation. This commercial shows a situation that is a bit far fetched, but it really makes you get a better understanding of how one little thing can change everything.


This commercial shows a boy that is not only under the influence of drugs, but under the influence of his peers and friends. He gave up the last of human freedoms- the ability to decide for yourself. Once that ability is gone, you have nothing. The commercial basically shows that the boy no longer does anything for himself and is letting others change him and make him something he's not.

Think Different

This Apple commercial displays and honors some of the most influential yet eccentric people of all time. The seemingly crazy people who were definitely criticized at some point, are now some of the most important and influential people of all time. Sometimes you may not be followed in the beginning, but others will soon realize the importance of your goals and their lives will later be changed due to them. Without these eccentric geniuses the world would be drastically changed and life would never be the same. These people could have been influenced by the people who put  them down and called them crazy. Everybody needs to be a little crazy to change the world and get others behind them. I think inspirational commercials like this one promote the product even more than a commercial that is throwing the product  in your face. The underlying message that apple is a little different is enough to promote the product. 

Stop Smoking

This add displays how tobacco companies falsely promote tobacco by showing hardworking and strong individuals having a smoke and saying that it is cool and what you should be doing. Then at the end it brings forth the harsh, but true reality of what tobacco can really make you look like.  Like all commercials against drugs