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5/31/2011 02:47:43 am

Madison, Jess, and Celeste,
You guys were so great today! I loved everything about your presentation. I loved how you connected your topic to all of the disciplines and how your slides looked. I loved how you used props and the posters that you hung up around the room. I especially like the cut-outs of you guys and the way you illustrated them. Your information was also really interesting! You guys spoke really clearly, and everything was well heard. I found all of your inquiry questions really interesting and I think you guys answered all of them very well. The songs you guys picked also added a certain mood while we listened to your information. One part of the presentation that really stuck with me was the way the advertisement world / modeling world is so cruel. That video where the model was covered in makeup and then photo-shopped really proved how people view beauty. Girls all over the country - and even the world - have all kinds of self-image problems because of this need to be perfect. This video demonstrated that those we are taught to emulate don't even really exist. I also really enjoyed all of your personals! I was actually sitting behind Madison's grandpa and I could tell he was really proud to be such an influence in Madison's life. It was really nice to see someone role model and how they effect their everyday lives. Jess's personal was amazing. It was exciting and informative, and the the illustrations were excellent. I can only imagine how long that took you to draw! Celeste's personal was very interesting, and connected to your topic so well! It was also nice to see some determination and the ability to stick with an activity. Being the most ungraceful person on the planet, I gave up on ballet after only two years, so I have to give you a ton of credit on being able to stick with dancing! I also really loved your conclusion and listening to everyone talk about who is the biggest influence in their lives. Overall, your presentation was amazing and congratualtions on a job well done! You left the 2011 experimentals on a very high note!

Gabby Pollack
5/31/2011 05:19:47 am

What a way to end the experimentals! Amazing job guys! With each new amazingly decorated slide I was mezmorized by your entire presentation. It was steller! From the minute I walked into the room I noted the amazing decorations that added so much to the presentation, esspecially the people that you made of yourselves and the one you asked us to create. I wrote that my biggest influence is my friends and my family, but I almost think that's a little cliche and I think I should have written myself. I believe that I influence myself to be motivated, a good student, and hopefully a good friend. I loved how many questions you asked us "who makes you, you?" or "what makes you, you?" and you provided us with great answers to each of the questions you posied. Great job!
Madison, your grandfather is clearly a very influencial person in your life. Having only known my only grandfather for a brief period before he passed away I still feel that he is one of my biggest influences today because of the way that my family talks about how similar we are. I loved that your grandfather was in the audiance and I bet it ment so much to him to know how much he means to you. Very well done.
Celeste, dancing is such a great passion to have and like Erin I was never able to stick with it because I am definetly not what you'd call a coordinated person. You showed to us how through the connection of dance your aunt has influenced you greatly. This was an amazing personal! Well done!
Jess, wow you left me speechless. Your personal was so high tech and very intricate that it must have taken you days to do. Your voice over was veyr different and very well timed. I loved how much art, your family, your friends, and softball mean to you and how they have influenced your life. good job!

5/31/2011 05:28:00 am

I loved your presentation! good work girls!

Mali Zaken
5/31/2011 05:44:09 am

AMAZING JOB GUYS! When I walked into the room I immediately was drawn to your creative room decorations. The coolest part of your room was the white paper cutouts where you displayed what makes you, you! I also liked the blank one where we were able to write. The start of your presentation was so exciting and original. I LOVED the song and Jess's amazing drawing. Overall your powerpoint was SO COOL! You guys had incredible songs and images that were so creative! I really liked all the connections you made including self image, peer pressure, and media. The commercials you used were some of my favorite commercials ever, especially the one about the president and the phone! You guys knew so much about your topic and were really passionate about encouraging people not to be influenced by fake media. The video where they photoshopped the woman was truly eye opening and went amazing with your topic. The whole section about the artist and the priest was really interesting and I never considered that side of influences. Madison, your personal was so inspiring and really showed the audience who and how you have been influenced in your life. You were so strong for sharing your story about your grandpa with us! Celeste, your personal was also amazing. I loved how you used a family member as well to show how they influenced your favorite thing to do: dance. I know how skilled you are at dancing and it was cool to see where your talent originated! Jess, your personal was great in many ways, most importantly visually! I loved how you also showed the most important things in your life that influenced you like friends, art, and family. The video at the end was SO cute! It was so interesting to see what everyone else's influences were. Some were shocking but a lot of people had common answers like family. Overall, you guys did a great job and should be so proud! You ended a superb experimental season with an outstanding experimental!

5/31/2011 06:48:57 am

You three had an amazing presentation! Your room decorations really added to your presentation. I loved the outlines of the people (with what influenced you). You had a lot of information in your presentation, and all three of you explained it well. I liked the ripple effect situation. It was a good addition to your presentation and your website, and it was a really good connection. Your propaganda section was also interesting. Propaganda does influence us as a society in many ways, and it is used because of this. Your stock section was also interesting. I liked your video on the makeup evolution. Many people of our time, especially young girls, are influenced by the beautiful girls in the media. They strive to be just like them, when in reality, these people may not be who they appear to be. The video clip showed how even the beautiful girls that we look up to wear makeup. The girl in the beginning of the video was changed so much that she barely resembled herself in the end. She not only used a lot of makeup and hair products, but her final photograph was photo shopped to make it more perfect! I liked how you included that video in your presentation to show that the people who influence us are perfected versions of who they truly are. Your peer pressure section was also very interesting. Many people are influenced by their peers. It is clear that you three did a lot of research. All of this is evident on your website and was evident in your presentation. Your personals were also very good. Madison, your personal was very sweet. Your montage of pictures matched what you said well, and your personal connection was a clear, direct connection. Jess, I liked how you had your drawing and your montage of pictures in your personal. It all matched with what you were saying and was another clear, connection. Celeste, your personal was also very interesting. Your pictures from your dance shows fit in well with what you were saying, and your connection was also clear. Overall, your experimental was amazing!

Morgan Littman
5/31/2011 09:32:14 am

CONGRATULATIONS!!! You were all absolutely amazing and EXPERIMENTALS ARE OVER! I understand the amount of pressure you probably felt being the last group to go but you certainly couldn't tell when you were up there! You all had great presence and seemed to enjoy yourselves! Your experimental was really cool and I know that sounds so juvenile of me to say but it was really reflective of your personalities! Speaking of which...
Celeste: I was no surprised when you chose to talk about Dance as your personal, I was surprised about the story your chose to tell. I did not know about your aunt's influence on your decision to follow through with dance and I think thats really sweet of you. Your obviously amazing at it so great decision!
And those baby pictures were adorable!
Madison: Your story about your grandpa brought me to tears! Its so great that you have someone who inspires you to be the person you are and that's really respectable! I'm sure he is very proud of you! And those pictures of you when you were young only proved more that we looked alike! =)
Jess: You are a FANTASTIC artist! Every time I see one of those videos I'm blown away! I can really see how your family has influenced you and your incorporations of both those aspects of your lives were great! I loved it!
Right off the bat I could tell your experimental would be a success because of your awesome drawings around the room! Especially the cut outs of your bodies, those were sick. You guys did a great job covering all aspects of influence and I didn't realize how much it related to control like in the above the influence commercial! You guys did an amazing job and should be so proud! CONGRATS!

Bobby Halpern
5/31/2011 10:18:01 am

Jess, Madison, and Celeste
Great job you guys. What a relief it is to finally be done with experimentals. You guys did an awesome job presenting about influence. I liked the artwork around the room because it really showed your unique skills. You guys were confident and relaxed while presenting, which made the presentation that much better. All of your personals were very deep and showed how others influence you. I liked how you mentioned the ripple effect. The ripple effect is really interesting and I'm glad you mentioned this topic. Jess, I want to especially applaud you on the effort that you made in the drawings. Making those drawings must have been really time consuming, but it was interesting to see you draw the posters in fast motion. All three of you did an excellent job presenting, and congrats once again.

Graham T
5/31/2011 01:00:04 pm

You guys closed off the 2011 experimental season with a bang. From the beginning of your presentation, I knew it would be special. The RSA Animate- type drawing left the audience in awe. Jess, you are such an amazing artist and I loved how you showcased your talent in your personal. Not only did you orally explain the many influences in your life, but you also showed us visually. One of my favorite aspects of the presentation was the Time Magazine most influential people. Our lives are heavily affected by celebrities and the media and by giving everyone a person on that list, it showed the audience who plays a part in societal trends. Madison, your personal was heart warming. Your grandfather has played a major role in influencing your life. The relationship that you have with him is a bond that will never be broken. Celeste, dance is an activity that has shaped who you are. You explained so well how dance provides a haven that you can escape to. The things we do as well as the people in our lives influence our decesions and our personality. Another part of the presentation that I enjoyed was the nature versus nurture section. Jamie and I wrote about this argument in regards to its effect on identity. Your part, however, was delightfully different because you talked about which of the two has a greater influence, rather than what either of the two affects. The poster at the front of the room was a great feature, and I saw some really funny answers on it. All 3 of you spoke fluently and with such confidence. There is no question that you closed out the experimentals in spectacular fashion. Congrats on an excellent project.

Rebecca M.
5/31/2011 02:03:53 pm

Madison, Jess, and Celeste,
Congratulations on being done! You guys really ended the experimental season on a high note. You guys did an excellent job! Between the decorations, the presentation, the information and your personals, your experimental was amazing. In your presentation I liked how you were constant in your presenting format. On your keynotes I like the consistence of the layouts of the slides. The arrangement of the several pictures on the one side helped portray the ideas that you were speaking about. I also liked all the music you guys had playing in the background. I think that they all portrayed influence and supported the subtopics that you spoke about. As for the decorations, I liked the whole color scheme and the balloons, it added a nice touch to the room. I thought it was a great idea how all of the food you put on the side tables were orange or yellow. For me, Influence is such a big word and can be related to so many things. Though I felt that your project stayed true to all three of you along with your word. You guys picked topics that were tasteful and interesting. I mostly loved how you started off your presentation with Jess’s drawing of Influence. It really griped the audience’s attention in an artistic way. You all should be proud of what an amazing presentation you have compiled. All your hard work and effort paid off, as your end product was truly fantastic!

Mitchell Han
5/31/2011 02:25:34 pm

Nice way to end off experimental season with a BANG! I kept looking towards the wall where your "art bodies" were hanging from. I could tell you guys definitely put a lot of work into drawing them. I'm not sure if you mentioned this, but the bodies reminded me of the ideology behind "tabula rasa." We learned in euro that John Locke believed all people were born as blank slates, and all their knowledge came from experience and outside influences. Just as you guys illustrated in your cut-out bodies and throughout your presentation, what makes many of us who we are today is influenced by the things and people around us. Your video of the model further proved your point of unrealistic influence. It was fascinating to see how technology nowadays can make a person's image seem perfect, when in reality they are far from that. At the same time, we realize how corrupt society has become; make-up industries try to instill the belief that all human beings are supposed to look perfect on the outside, disregarding the true beauty found on the inside of people.
All of your personals were great! Celeste, it would've been even more fun if you had demonstrated a dance routine like you did for the Flood connection. Madison, the story of your grandfather's influence on your life was very emotional and connected to the audience as well. Jess, you're artistic skills once again cease to amaze. Loved the time lapse and voice over; they were both in sync and timed to perfection. Congratulations on a great experimental and to all those in 10p.

Sukhveen S.
6/1/2011 06:59:40 am

Guys, you definitely blew my mind with your presentation and room layout! The way you had us sign on the cutout of a person was unique, as well as how you guys had done the same with yourselves personally on the right side of the room. I was fascinated with all the information you guys had and how you presented so confidently. Not once was I looking at the clock to see when the period would be over. One of the most commendable parts of your presentation would definitely be song choices! I loved EVERY song, the placement of them and how they connected to your topic. They were probably some of the best choices anyone could possibly think of. Another great part of your presentation was the cards you put under each chair with one of the most influential people in the world. I think this definitely intrigued people, and people learned something new.
Jess, as we all know your talents for doing those RSA-type of videos and your amazing art skills from previous projects you have done, I was still captured by both of the ones you included in your presentation. While you played your personal video I kept glancing to the right where you hung your poster to see what would come next in the drawing. It was so cool! One thing that keeps my puzzled is how you time it so perfectly?! It must take very long to get it just right.
Celeste, your personal was very sweet how your aunt influenced you in following the path of dance. I never realized how much our extended family can really influence us. When I think of influence I always usually think of my immediate family and how I am always surrounded by them and how they shape me to be who I am, but never aunts or uncles which in my life play a very important role.
Madison, your Grandpa was VERY proud of you! I could tell by his face (I was sitting right behind him) how honored he was to have this impact on your life. Your personal was so touching.
Your presentation was truly a GRAND finale of a firework of experimentals! Congratulations once again.

Sam Golden
6/1/2011 11:14:19 am

ok so i literally want to cry... Just wrote a NOVEL for you guys and as im writing the last sentence my computer spazzes and jumps back a page so i lost it! AH :(

Matt Black
6/1/2011 12:37:40 pm

Madison, Celeste, and Jess,

Great job finishing off the 2011 experimentals. Everyone is relieved that they are over, and this year we really saved the best for last. Right from the start I could see how the people around us influence our personalities and shape who we become. The cut outs on the wall showed what personally influenced you guys, and I like how you had a space for the audience to put what their biggest influences are. I also liked how you utilized Time Magazine's 100 most influential people. I was a little disappointed that I got Michael Lewis because I don't know who he is, but it was interesting to see all of these famous people and their achievements. Celebrities really do influence many young people, but many of these traits are not desirable. I really like how you had many songs playing in the background during your speaking. It kept the presentation interesting, but did not overshadow your speaking. The section on being under the influence of drugs was a great way to show how we are not always in control of our actions. Many substances causes us to be under the control of others or the effects of the substance itself. All three of your personals were great and the audience got a glimpse into some of your biggest influences.
Celeste - Your personal showed the audience one of your favorite hobbies. Not only did we see that dance defines you, but we saw how and why you decided to pursue it. Although seeing a little dance would have really drove the point home more, the montage and your speaking was great.
Madi - I love how everyone now knows who one of your greatest influences is. The montage and story of you and your grandfather showed just how much of an impact he has had on your life and who you are today. Your personality and actions are a reflection of who he is.
Jess - Obviously your personal was amazing. You showed through art how you became who you are and was a very creative way to do so. Using art to your advantage in your personal was a great choice. The audience not only saw who influenced you, but we got a good glimpse into one of your talents.

Chelsea D'Ambrosio
6/1/2011 02:07:10 pm

Chelsea D'Ambrosio
6/1/2011 02:07:51 pm

My bad posted my name by's my actual post!

ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE! That just about sums it up. Your room decorations were amazing and perfectly represented the artistic qualities that all three of you share. The drawings of the bodies, one representing each of you, was the perfect way of displaying these characteristics as well. Another aspect of your decorations that I really liked was the poster in the front of the room where you were able to write down who or what your biggest influence is. This was a good way of getting the crowd involved as they entered the room and had them thinking about your topic before you guys even began speaking! The pictures of celebrities that had been recognized for their influence on society placed under each seat was a really cool way of giving examples of iconic figures. They also were a great way of educating us on what some of the characteristics of role models truly are. Between finding all the pictures, writing the bios, and cutting them all out it must’ve taken forever! All of these decorations around the room created the fun, colorful atmosphere that I believe you three were going for.
In terms of content you guys exceeded the high expectations I had prior to your experimental. Your research on the different influences of the stock market and its effect on our world I found to be very interesting, specifically. The way you tied in Warren Buffett and the large roll that he plays in controlling stocks given that so many people follow his opinion, I also found to be interesting. I really liked how the format of each of your slides were very consistent, with many different pictures to go along with more simple subjects that maybe needed that extra media to spark interest. All of your slide transitions were really advanced and were the perfect balance of being present when they should be, but not too overwhelming that you lose focus. The video on the domino effect is one that sticks out to me particularly because of how fun and captivating it was of the audience’s attention.
So personals time..Madi- the bond that you share with your grandpa was made very clear from your presentation and was so heartfelt. As you began talking about some of the characteristics in him that you see in yourself I found myself nodding in agreement thinking they were all so true! I’m sure he was really proud of you! Celeste- I found myself replaying your “A Hard Rains Gonna Fall” performance in my head as you began talking about the influence of dance on your life. For many people, it takes years to figure out what their real hobby or passion is and the fact that you figured that out from the time you were so young is amazing. All the baby pictures that went with your speech added to the appreciation for dance’s effect of shaping your life. Jess- I’m going to hunt you down 10 years from now and make sure you are doing some sort of artistic work in your profession because it is clearly your calling! The drawings of your family members looked EXACTLY like them down to the facial expressions. What I think is really worth noting aside from your obvious talent, is the fact that you still managed to get across a powerful speech about how both your family and friends influence your daily life even with the video in motion. CONGRATULATIONS AGAIN GUYS! PERFECT WAY TO END THE “SEASON”.

Laura Siegel
6/2/2011 05:50:51 am

Madison, Jess, and Celeste

The presentation was amazing and I am so happy I was able to attend your experimental! It was also a great way to end off the experimental season! Jess- your artistic abilities are unbelievably incredible and added so much original and unique creativity to the experimental. You all were able to relate to influence in different ways making all of your personals unique and interesting. I loved the point about music and actresses and their influence on society. We look up to these people but what are we actually looking up to? Some are positive influences such as Katy Perry and her song Firework but other songs such as Blame It on the Alcohol do not have a good influence on children. Most songs today are about money, drugs, and alcohol giving many teens this misconception that this is the way to live because their “idols” are doing it. I came to the conclusion that songs with optimistic and moral values are the only ones people should be looking up to and be influenced by. You then brought it to the picture of beauty we are shown in the magazines. The movie clip showing the transformation of the model due to editing software really shows you that the “perfection” you see is not real. I think the person before the makeup and editing was perfect and the person they created in the end was just an idealistic and materialistic way society wants to be, not perfect. When you discussed mis-advertising, I was instantly intrigued because being a huge television watcher- I was able to think about all the advertisements that were selling items falsely. Your experimental was amazing and fascinating and never lacked information! The transition from topic to topic was perfect and your presenting abilities were magnificent and you all were perfectly comfortable. Congratulations guys! You definitely left big shoes to fill for the next year of experimental!

Ian Lerman
6/2/2011 06:02:44 am

This finale to "experimental season" was amazing. Your introduction, using the time lapse of the drawing showed the web of connections that could be made into all aspects of our lives. This video got the attention of the audience, who were very interested and impressed by your artistic skill. I really enjoyed your use of music. You had many songs that related to your topic and you incorporated all of them into your presentation very well. I thought that they were at a good volume, because they could be easily heard, yet they didn't compete with you to be heard. Jess - your personal, just like the introduction intrigued the audience. The idea to use the time lapse and voice over was a great idea that really paid off. Celeste - speaking about the influence that dance has in your life sent a very powerful message about making time for the things that you enjoy. Madison - your personal was very touching. Everyone who has experienced a loss can relate to your personal. Although some loved ones are no longer physically with us, they continue to be a major influence in our lives and we are still able to remember the good times that we shared with them while they were alive. This entire "experimental season" could not have been more of a success!

Sam Golden
6/2/2011 12:35:36 pm

Hey guys! Ok, we'll try this again.
First, let me congratulate everyone on being done!! You three were definitely a good choice to go last; you ended the season with a bang! After hearing that your changed your topic halfway through, it was very impressive to see how well you pulled everything together! As soon as I walked into the room I was pulled in and became immediately interested in your topic. I saw the body cut outs on the wall and thought, Wow, thats really creative! I LOVED how you tied these into your conclusion. It was a great way to show us the most important influences in your own life. I liked how instead of the usual conclusion consisting of just talking and wrapping things up, you were able to actually SHOW us.
Another thing I would like to comment on is your use of pictures in your Keynote. I thought it was great how almost none of your slides contained any words. Instead, it was mostly picture collages which I thought looked awesome! All of the pictures you chose really represented what you were talking about and helped enhance the presentation.
Personals: I thought all three were amazing!
Madison - It makes me happy that you did yours on your Grandpa. We could all tell by listening to you and looking at the pictures how important of an influence he is in your life. I remember the first time I met him... we must have been about 10? He is one of the most friendly, outgoing men I've ever met. Ever since that first time, every time we are in the same room he comes up to me with a huge smile and kiss on the cheek (this includes at your experimental). He just always seems happy and it's great that he such a big influence on you.
Jess – One word: Awesome! I love how you were able to combine your artistic and technology talents to show us the most important influences in your life. I always knew you could draw, but I was blown away at how realistic you were able to make your family look! It was so cool. I really appreciate this, because as you know I am pretty terrible and drawing realistic people (remember my Nick Jonas sketch in 7th grade…?) Great job, I think everybody really enjoyed it!
Celeste – I was really able to relate to your personal. Like you dance is a huge influence in my life (with all the time it takes up, how could it not be?). I really enjoyed all the pictures of you in various costumes throughout the years!
One of my favorite slides in your presentation was the Ripple Effect slide. This is mostly because the picture was so cool! It’s pretty much branded in my mind, that’s how awesome and beautiful I thought it was. It was also a great example of how one little event can have many effects that influence future events. The ripple effect is something we should all think about every time we make a decision. We should think about the effects this decision may have on ourselves and those around us.
Overall, awesome job!! You should be really, really proud at how your experimental turned out!

Sam Golden
6/2/2011 12:36:25 pm

Hey guys! Ok, we'll try this again.
First, let me congratulate everyone on being done!! You three were definitely a good choice to go last; you ended the season with a bang! After hearing that your changed your topic halfway through, it was very impressive to see how well you pulled everything together! As soon as I walked into the room I was pulled in and became immediately interested in your topic. I saw the body cut outs on the wall and thought, Wow, thats really creative! I LOVED how you tied these into your conclusion. It was a great way to show us the most important influences in your own life. I liked how instead of the usual conclusion consisting of just talking and wrapping things up, you were able to actually SHOW us.
Another thing I would like to comment on is your use of pictures in your Keynote. I thought it was great how almost none of your slides contained any words. Instead, it was mostly picture collages which I thought looked awesome! All of the pictures you chose really represented what you were talking about and helped enhance the presentation.
Personals: I thought all three were amazing!
Madison - It makes me happy that you did yours on your Grandpa. We could all tell by listening to you and looking at the pictures how important of an influence he is in your life. I remember the first time I met him... we must have been about 10? He is one of the most friendly, outgoing men I've ever met. Ever since that first time, every time we are in the same room he comes up to me with a huge smile and kiss on the cheek (this includes at your experimental). He just always seems happy and it's great that he such a big influence on you.
Jess – One word: Awesome! I love how you were able to combine your artistic and technology talents to show us the most important influences in your life. I always knew you could draw, but I was blown away at how realistic you were able to make your family look! It was so cool. I really appreciate this, because as you know I am pretty terrible and drawing realistic people (remember my Nick Jonas sketch in 7th grade…?) Great job, I think everybody really enjoyed it!
Celeste – I was really able to relate to your personal. Like you dance is a huge influence in my life (with all the time it takes up, how could it not be?). I really enjoyed all the pictures of you in various costumes throughout the years!
One of my favorite slides in your presentation was the Ripple Effect slide. This is mostly because the picture was so cool! It’s pretty much branded in my mind, that’s how awesome and beautiful I thought it was. It was also a great example of how one little event can have many effects that influence future events. The ripple effect is something we should all think about every time we make a decision. We should think about the effects this decision may have on ourselves and those around us.
Overall, awesome job!! You should be really, really proud at how your experimental turned out!

6/2/2011 12:37:37 pm

oops, sorry i posted that twice by accident!

Another thing I want to add: I like your orange theme that seems to be everywhere... the slides, website and food table :)

jessica D'Angelo
6/2/2011 01:25:32 pm

Nick Jonas<3


Yuval Hananya
6/2/2011 01:51:16 pm

So, you guys are done, and wow what an amazing experimental it was.
Presentation - Your presentation was BEAUTIFUL. The amount of pictures, AMAZING pictures you had was amazing. Every slide was roughly ten pictures all demonstrating one topic of exploration and i Definitely loved that. You all spoke loudly, and clearly, and that is very important. Although you changed your topic at one point, you guys seriously got this done and done with amazing results to say the least.

Madison - Your personal was really touching and beautiful - especially with your grandpa sitting right in front of me! I love how he has influenced you to be the great person you are today because of his amazing attitude towards life and insane kindness, something i see you in every day.

Jess - You are so artistic its shameful to the rest of us! Not only was your personal done incredibly well, but it obviously related to your topic insanely. Drawing a beautiful picture in such a creative way was awesome, and the way you make those videos is really cool too, something I kind of want to learn and think the rest of our 10P class should too.

Celeste- Your personal was also amazing and related to your topic very well. You presented well, spoke loudly, and the pictures really exemplified what you wanted to say. I love how you connected with your mother influencing your passion for dance. Also, how she doesnt influence you today to HAVE to go to dance because you WANT to go to dance, its really cool!

Overall, you guys were awesome. I would have to say my favorite part was Nature vs. Nurture because i really did not think of how much that really related, but you guys truly taught me something cool that day, and i loved it to say the last. Congratulations again!

Julia Roldan
6/13/2011 09:44:05 am

I thought you guys were great. Ik now how hard all 3 of you worked on this presentation and it really showed. I was amazed at all the connections you made to the theme (influence) and especially loved the Nature vs. Nurture because it's something I think about often. You 3 ladies were poised, prepared and perfectly timed! I've never seen presentations given by professors in college that are that good! Congratulations girls! Your families are so very proud of you!


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